wat a stupid day.....
8am class till 7pm !!! >.
the whole day keep on attend 3 lecture and 1 tutorial class~
tired like hell ~
thn the marketing lecturer keep on stress tat
tis sat midterm exam is extremely extremely hard !!
no text book.....guarantee...100% guarentee FAIL !!! sure die ~
thn from the way she giv us "guideline"
yaa....we sure, confirm, the exam 100% very very hard ~
if not, she wont giv tis kind of "guideline"~
thn muz read the text book...my god, after she giv guideline
still have how many pagesssssss hav to read in the text book
the stupid who set the exam question, really wan us die lo !
ok, but text book...now ady week 4
tis is short sem, oni 7 week... >.<
atcually tis sem didnt plan to buy text book, coz oni 7 week laaaa
thn from the previous experience, normally most of my text book
oni for me to display ~
arhhhhh....thn tis time no choice lo, guarantee fail leh
hav to buy although tis sem stil hav 3 more week to go oni...haizzzzz~
the shop business extremely good today
he say so many student booked tis text book today =.="
juz now after finish class
went cheras "kang le" pasar malam again wit the same ppl
pauline, vickie and sexy ~
walked more thn 2 hours there, thn some more suddently rainning...
ohh....im so tired today...buzy since morning wake up around 7am
till came back around 10pm something....
我快散了!!! 累死~
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